5 Easy Steps To Organize Your Jewelry

5 Easy Steps To Organize Your Jewelry

Jewelry is a difficult thing to keep organized. We collect and accumulate jewelry for years, and it doesn’t go out of style. Therefore, we tend to keep it all, and become overwhelmed with how to organize our amazing stash. It's a challenge we all face with jewelry: multiple boxes and hiding spots make it hard to keep track of it. Before long, chains wind up in knots, earrings become elusive, and rings vanish in the bottom of your bag. In just 5 steps you can make your organizing system as beautiful as you.

Step 1: Go Through All Your Jewelry

First gather all your precious jewelry together in one place and sort into piles. With so many new options to choose from we understand some jewelry might have gone out of style. So Identify jewelry that you no longer love and decide if you want to give them to a friend or family member, donate them, or sell them. If you discover that some of your favorites are damaged or broken, group them together and take them to the jewelry store to get repaired. This is a great opportunity to get your jewelry in tip-top shape. Take this time to polish tarnished silver or gold pieces. Clean rings and wipe down pearls. Have a broken bracelet clasp or necklace chain? Take it to be repaired. Don't forget to replace missing earring backs. Finally, store occasional pieces in Hivory pro Jewelry Organizer to prevent tarnish. 



Step 2: Identify a Location 

Now that you have your collection ready identify where you want to store them. On top of your dresser? In your drawers? In your closet? Your wall? There are various kinds of jewelry organizing tactics to choose from depending on the type of jewelry you have.

Step 3: Pick a system

 Now that you have your jewelry grouped so that it makes sense to you and you know where you are going to store it, it is time to choose the best organization system for your jewelry.

You don’t want your jewelry to get tarnished so for that it is extremely important for you to identify the best system. There are so many great options to choose from. If you are storing it on your dresser top, consider a more decorative organizer or a bracelet holder from Hivory is a great choice for that matter. For drawer storage, there are many great pro jewelry box options at Hivory for SALE. Most jewelry organizers have separate sections for rings, earrings, and necklaces.

 One of the best ways to prevent your chains from getting tangled is to hang them. Hanging necklaces individually prevents snarled messes of pearls and pendants. Placing them where they can be seen means you'll wear them more often. The simplest solution? Attach decorative hooks directly to a wall in your dressing area to display necklaces. Alternatively, purchase a hook jewelry organizer from Hivory  designed to be mounted on the wall.

You can also avoid  breakage, and underuse by storing earrings on a good-looking organizer set atop a dressing table or a bathroom vanity countertop. Readily available in a number of styles and sizes, these jewelry organizer stands let you easily see all your options.

Step 4: Make Everyday Accessorizing Easy

Do you keep wearing  the same jewelry day after day because it's easier than finding the necklace you're looking for ? Here’s a quick tip. Keep your necklace hook or options near the mirror by separately hanging them so that you have a wide range of options to choose from.  Place smaller items in decorative trays, dishes, or bowls that are big enough so pieces won't intermix. Keep a small tray near your bed so that when you forget to out away your daily accessories away you don't have to get up for it. 


Step 5: Protect Your Valuables

Protect your investment by storing fine jewelry and special-occasion gems inside jewelry organizer boxes. Lock em’ up in the cupboard if you want to. The two layered jewelry box is a great option if you are planning to keep some of your precious jewelry dust free. Don't forget to check it out.  Keep these rarely used pieces of jewelry safe, organized, and dust-free. For expensive pieces of jewelry you can even consider insuring them. Click pictures where you’ve stored them for extra assurance.


With a gazillion other problems in life being hunted for a missing earring, or wearing the same jewelry day after day shouldn’t be one. That is why you should follow these five steps to be able to find, enjoy and protect your jewelry.

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